DIY Video Tutorials: Buidling a Phaser pedal
Well, I'm back after a nice winter's break and ready to start some
foot-stomping DIY pedal making noise, inspired by the good people at Build
Your Own Clon...
Wetterdienste im Intranet
Bei vielen Intranet-Portalen findet sich die Anforderung, dass "das Wetter"
einblendet werden soll. Wer das schon einmal umgesetzt hat, kennt
2014 Mix CD 2
Lazaretto, Jack White
Call Me, St. Paul and the Broken Bones
Happy, John Fullbright
Heart is a Drum, Beck
Get it Up For Love, Ned Doheny
Devil We K...
My greatest triumph!
Sorry. I can't resist. John Carson, a fellow runner from Canada, unearthed
this photo from the archives of the Toronto Star. It's the finals of the
1500 me...
CD Release - Setting a PR/Marketing Timetable
I've been taking a few weeks off from songwriting as I process the boxes
containing many copies of my second digiPack CD that I just received from
Adobe Sucks
I found myself again struck by how much I dislike Adobe today. This feeling
started when they moved to the subscription-only model which completely
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