Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday's Field Guide to Generation Y

Presumably, articles like this about Generation Y and their power to shape the internet are aimed at Gen Xer's and Boomers. Generation Y is generally meant as being born 1983-1997 and being currently 13-31, and growing up with digital media.

Further reading for the older crowd:
Growing Up Digital, by business strategist and psychologist Don Tapscott
• USA Today 11/6/05: Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude
• Time 7/5/07: What Gen Y Really Wants
- a collection of Gen Y related articles

Monday, May 12, 2008

Band Name Generator

Every reload gets 5 randomly generated possible band names at this band name generator web site. You never know if one of these might be the one.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Meet van Vark's Harmonium

From RetroThing and MatrixSynth: Dutch inventor Tatjana van Vark designed this mechanical computer designed to perform sine wave synthesis and Fourier Analysis. It has a mechanical sine generator that can draw a sine wave onto a paper drum based on the amplitude and phase. It also includes a mechanical integrator which you can use to trace the sine curve and perform a fourier analysis to extract the phase and amplitude of the curve, which is displayed on two dials.